I believe that in order to start creating a happy fulfilling life we need to handle the "stuff" that drags us down. In order to allow great things to happen we need to get "rid" on some of the drains on our time and energy.

The Clean Sweep Program ™ allows us to do just that.

The clean sweep program is a checklist of 100 items which when completed, gives you complete personal freedom. These 100-items are grouped into 4 areas of life with 25 in each group: Physical, Environment, Health and Emotional balance, Money and Relationships. These 4 areas are the cornerstones of a strong and healthy life. The program helps clean up, restore and polish virtually every aspect of your life

The objective of the assessment is for you to get clear about 100 possible unresolved matters in your life. Unresolved matters are those physical, emotional, mental items, which are in some way not resolved in the current moment. Unresolved matters of any kind drain energy. That is, they require energy to live with, given it takes work to keep us whole when there is something in the space.

Three things will happen as you increase your scores:
1. You will have more energy and vitality
2. You will increase your scores just by being in the program
3. You will gain perspective on who you are, where you are and where you are going.

Go ahead and try it. Don't be concerned about getting a top score - it can take between 6-24 months to complete.

Have FUN!
Answer each question. If true, check the box. Be rigorous; be a hard grader. If the statement is sometimes or usually true please DO NOT check the box until the statement is virtually always true for you. (No "credit" until it is really true!) If the statement does not apply to you, check the box.

If the statement will never be true for you, check the box. (You get "credit" for it because it does not apply or will never happen.) And, you may change any statement to fit your situation better.

Life Assessment Questionnaire.

Click here to view the Life Assessment Questionnaire in PDF format.

Get the latest "Adobe Acrobat Reader"
How to score your Questionnaire.

You may print it out to check the boxes as you answer the questions. Add up the number of boxes you checked and see your results with the link below.

Life Assessment Questionnaire Score results.
Click here to view the Assessment score results.
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